
Welcome Parents!

“We are a Family~Somos una Familia!”


Here at Linder, we take great pride in who you are and we are committed to our vision for you and your child. The following is a list of ways we will be communicating with you so that you will always be well informed of the awesome things happening in our school and community. Here are additional ways of finding out what opportunities you have to learn and grow.

  • Parent Calendars (Monthly)
  • Parent Coffee Chats
  • School Broadcast Messages
  • E-mail
  • Parent Surveys
  • Personal Phone Calls & Follow-Ups
  • Twitter, and Facebook
  • Linder website
  • Fun events for the whole family

School Supplies

School supplies benefit students in their academic success by providing them with the necessary tools to stay organized, complete assignments, and engage in learning. For a list of school supplies, click here. For a PDF version, click here.


We truly appreciate your willingness to become a parent leader. There are many ways that you can take on leadership opportunities in our school and district such as:

  • Parent Room Coordinator
  • Linder PTA
  • Volunteer coordinator


Safety is our number 1 priority! When coming into the building for anything, please make sure you visit the 2nd floor main office. They will provide you with a pass to the appropriate location and/or make an appointment for you. Also, please understand that if you wish to volunteer in a classroom or main office you must go through the district process. See me and I will gladly provide you with the details. With the support of our Administration, Staff and Community we will collaborate together to make this school year extremely productive. “Parenting is not always easy, but it is the most rewarding position you will ever have!” “Informed Parents are Involved Parents!”